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going on?

What needs to happen?

The numbers are staggering. Across Oregon, people are getting notices of rent increases of 20%, 30%, even 100%. And from every corner of our state we hear stories of people who have paid their rent on time, followed all the rules of their lease, and then getting kicked out through no fault of their own. It’s not fair and it’s time to do something about in.


Unprecedented rent increases are displacing entire communities as families struggle with the ability to keep a roof over their heads or make ends meet. Some are choosing between food, healthcare, and childcare in order to afford housing. One out of four renting Oregonians are paying more than half of their income on rent. With extremely low vacancy rates impacting communities throughout the state, families have few options for affordable rental homes.

This affects more than individual families. Sometimes entire buildings receive evictions without cause, ripping communities apart as property owners and managers are able to say to someone, "You have no place to live anymore. No reason." Maybe it’s because they can make more money from more affluent tenants. Maybe it’s because they became irritated when a tenant asked for repairs. Maybe it’s because they are discriminating. No matter what it is, under current Oregon law they don’t have to give a tenant a reason. We’re just out on the whim of the property manager or landlord, with no legal recourse to defend ourselves.

This needs to's best for our state. Allow Oregon cities to consider and enact rent stabilization policies. Protect Oregon renters from no-cause evictions.

House Bill 2004A, under debate in the Oregon legislature this year, will bring new protections to tenants so that they cannot be evicted without cause. It will also let local communities decide what is best for their housing market.

Make your voice heard! Learn more about HB 2004A and contact your lawmaker today!


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it's best for our state.

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Allow Oregon cities

to consider and enact

rent-stabilization policies


Protect renters by expanding for-cause eviction requirements.

In the 2017 Oregon legislative session, Secure Homes for Oregon Families will be advocating for the repeal of a statewide ban on rent-stabilization. Local communities are not given the freedom to consider rent-stabilization policies in current law unless extenuating circumstances permit. We are asking the Oregon Legislature to remove this barrier so local cities can decide if rent-stabilization is a good option for their communities and enact rent-stabilization policies if they so choose.

In the 2017 Oregon legislative session, Secure Homes for Oregon Families is advocating that Oregon law only permit evictions or lease terminations with a valid reason for tenants who have lived in a unit longer than 6 months. Current law allows property owners and managers to terminate someone's housing without cause. This has been abused by some as a smoke-screen for retaliation or discrimination against certain populations, often resulting in communities being torn apart and destabilized in their lives.

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